Common Infantry Tasks Testing-The Level 2/3/4 Requirements Applied To Survivalists


In February, we talked about Common Tasks that everyone in the Army has to show competence in. Last week we discussed the basic Infantry testing done in an Infantry unit which shows they have competence in the tasks they are required to know. Today we’re gonna discuss some of the tactically applicable Survivalist skills you need to be at least familiar with, if not show some competence in if you are in any level of leadership in your group. In the Army Infantry, level 2 is a Sergeant/(4 man) Fire Team Leader, level 3 is a Staff Sergeant/(9 man) Squad Leader, and level 4 is a Sergeant First Class/(40 man) Platoon Sergeant.

Infantry common tasks level 2-1

Infantry common tasks level 2-2

Infantry common tasks level 2-3

Infantry common tasks level 2-4


Infantry common tasks level 2-5

Infantry common tasks level 2-6

Infantry common tasks level 2-7

Infantry common tasks level 2-8

Go through the manual and review the tasks, conditions, and standards for each task. A few of us will be reviewing some of the skills mentioned here and here over the next few months to give insight into the “Why” and “How” of these skills as they relate to Survivalists and preppers.


American by BIRTH, Infidel by CHOICE






3 thoughts on “Common Infantry Tasks Testing-The Level 2/3/4 Requirements Applied To Survivalists

  1. Pingback: MDT: Common Infantry Tasks Testing – The Level 2/3/4 Requirements Applied To Survivalists | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  2. Pingback: Should Preservationists Join The Military Reserves? |

  3. Pingback: Should Preservationists Join The Military Reserves? – Forza Nuova U.S.A.

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