In Defensio Exercitus Professionales or We Are Better Than You, Mind Your Place

Here’s something that was sent to me by someone who would know, and has a right to be pissed. Heed it, or don’t heed it, it doesn’t change a lot of the facts most are not willing to admit or accept.


tea party


SFC Seven M Barry USA RET

Good Points

The recent article here by Mason Dixon Tactical, “What’s In A Name,” raised not a few interesting questions about the difference between the professional military and the Walter Mittys of the militia crowd. Yes, Walter Mittys, because the militia crowd is living in a perfectly immanentist delusion that if they rattle their muskets hard enough and long enough and loud enough against the Oppressive Tyranny of their very own “government of the people” their “representatives” and “servants” will either back down or the “militia” will show them what for. The fact that their “government of the people” hasn’t yet simply stepped on the “militia” is proof either of the fearsomeness of the “militia” or their impotence. In their puffed up opinion of themselves the “militia” see lack of being stepped on as proof of their fearsomeness. The Feds consider that they have more important things to worry about.

Oh look, A "sniper" 'captain" that is now in jail for various felonies

Oh look, A “sniper” ‘captain” that is now in jail for various felonies

It is in that context that the whole question of “Recruiting Prior Service Members” rests. But here distinctions must be made. There is a world of difference between a prior service member and a professional soldier; that distinction being the difference between “tourists” and those whose lives were the military. A further distinction in discriminating between tourists or professionals is who were combat arms or not. That is an important distinction because the overwhelming majority of the military is not combat arms. The huge advantage to the “militia” in their attempt to recruit tourists is that tourists will in all probability be not combat arms and thus likely impressed with high sounding but entirely unrealistic “unit” titles. For the tourists patches and tabs are a bonus.

Now, this writer corresponds frequently with many former professional soldiers from the better of the combat branches and he cannot name one of them even remotely inclined to join a “militia.” Why is that? This writer will take the heat and give the reason bluntly. It is because professional soldiers are better than you. Professional soldiers are a class. And that professional soldier class will not be dragged down to the level of “Joe’s Armed Gang.”

Here is only one example why. (Historically the examples are legion.)

Presumptuous Impudence

There is a new game in town, III Card Monty, run by some street smart HVAC laborer, otherwise known as Jedburgh University. Cool name; “Jedburgh.” Just like other cool names of other private armed gangs of civilian nobodies who presume such titles as they deem fit to steal from the military whose titles were actually earned. These private armed gangs will pretend to seemingly any and all martial titles of specialist military units without the least claim or qualification; but the one thing they will never do in their overweening self importance and presumptuous impudence is call themselves, “Joe’s Armed Gang.” That would be too real. That would be too honest.

Here are easily dismissed all the nonsense of “Ranger” and “Commando” and “Raider” and “Sniper” or otherwise “Special” and other stolen valor martial titles by private armed gangs. Those thefts pale before the egregious and shameless embezzlement of “Jedburgh.” (Along with the outright theft of the real Jedburgh patch – what’s a unit without a patch?; what astonishes is that there was no attempt to trademark it – about said patch one can only learn the ‘secret’ about it by paying money to join the “Jeds.” <> first comment.)

Of course, the impudence of IIIJedburgh cannot be separated from the insolence of IIIOfficer. The same hubris feeds both fantasies.

Quorum Ille Auctoritate?

By whose authority do these civilian armed gang pretenders confer upon themselves martial titles? Why, by no authority whatsoever. And lest there be any doubt in the matter “the people” are altogether no authority. Least of all those self ordained “leaders” or, by greater audacity, those self consecrated “commanders” who assure us there is a difference between leadership and command while titillating the otherwise clueless with a “Leaderless Resistance” composed of leaderless “IIICommandos” lead by leaderless IIIOfficers – but only by mutual agreement. In any case, “you are all leaders:”  <>… Somehow. Never mind that if everybody is a leader, nobody is a leader.

Thus are the IIISolipsisms and IIISophisms of IIIRevolutionism and IIIAnarchy. This writer could illustrate the number of times throughout Not-IIIRevolutionary history when the revolutionaries insisted that nobody was in charge and everybody was a leader but, by mutual consent of course, temporary “leaders” were elected until they became unpopular. Only one example: Some State’s Militia of the Confederacy made a show of it. Until it was put down with bullets and bayonets by the Regulars. There are many other examples.


Jedburghs (the real ones, not the IIIKind) were not volunteers. Neither were they amateurs, “glorious,” talented or otherwise. They were first “spotted” during their military service or training by “spotters” who knew what to look for. Once spotted the candidate was turned over to a recruiter who was skilled in “seduction.” Once “seduced” the candidate was sent to the Assessment and Selection Course. Few made it to the end. After A&S they were sent to their specialized training. More failures. In all it took somewhat more than six months. It wasn’t about derailing trains; it was about the person who derailed trains. They were under authority and they were under martial discipline. And it was all secret, unlike IIIJedburgh. (The only secret in IIIJedburgh, etc., is where the money goes.)

IIIJedburgh, on the other hand, is anybody who wants to; there is no A&S, no authority, and no discipline (there is an improvement!). IIIJedburgh is a business model. IIIJedburgh is not claiming to be using the old Jedburgh syllabus, they only claim to steal its name. But let’s pretend that IIIJedburgh ran a contiguous training course on par with the old Jedburgh course – about six months, give or take depending upon specialty. (Just where they would get the qualified talent for that is anybody’s guess; thus the slovenly and ambiguous “University” concept.)

If the average self-selecting IIIJoe could endure – provided he/she/it could can peaches already (or else!) – and afford the cost of every weekend for a month it would take about two years to complete the course. What happens after that is anybody’s guess. If the IIIJoe could make it only one weekend per month it would take about eight years. This writer wouldn’t care to speculate on the cost of each weekend course in the IIIJedburgh University. It sounds lucrative. Perhaps student loans will be available. And of course adequate parking. At the “Citadel.”

“…Recruiting Prior Service Members.”

MDT stated a crucial truth. “Do you want to get prior service members to join your group? Fine, don’t make them laugh ….” He adds, “Prior service recruiting tip” If you are a militia unit, and you use rank, keep it conservative….” (Original emphasis.)

On the first point MDT is Dead On Balls Accurate (DOBA). This whole “militia” thing is a bad joke among the professionals – let alone that there is always something vaguely criminal about it. It may rake in the odd tourist, or even a New Age retiree. Obviously it appeals to civilians who love dressing in Army drag (for whatever reason). But the best you’ll get from the Old Military professional soldiers is their hanging back and watching in disbelief. If their assessment the “militia” were merely contempt it would be a huge improvement.

Why is that? Because when you are talking about Old Military professional soldiers you are talking about Field Grade officers (or better) and Senior NCOs. And they are not going to be in the least impressed with “Brave Heart” and “Patriot” snot slinging about “Freedom” and “Liberty,” which ultimately reduces to nothing more than communistic libertine anarchic squalidness (socially, ethically, and morally). Because the more honest among the professional military will admit (among themselves) that they never had more personal liberty than when they were under martial order and discipline – which is why they miss the military. Old Military professionals had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline. You civilians claim a “liberty” to do whatever you want, which is slavery to depravity. Your civilian “liberty” is a hard sell to professionals who know what liberty really is and who could actually help you.

On the second point MDT (God bless his gentle soul) is more tolerant than this writer.

You are not a militia. You have no authority. You have no right to use any martial rank or expropriated military title whatsoever, let alone confer honors. You are nothing. And if you are prior service and have joined some private armed gang reconsider your dignity.

This writer will say it again so it sinks in. Professional soldiers are better than you. Professional soldiers are a class. Professional soldiers know these things instinctively even if they won’t say it publicly. You civilians need to learn to mind your place.

You want revolution? Count out the professional soldiers. They are not going to pick up arms to help civilian Walter Mittys thrust the country yet deeper into the revolutionary cesspit. Civilians have made it bad enough it is. Frankly, you are not going to “restore the Constitution.” It is working just perfectly as it was crafted.

You want counter-revolution? Bend the knee. Then there will come forward (some few kindly hearted) professionals with help, advise and guidance – and an exceptionally low tolerance for dreamy we’re-gonna-take-on-the-Feds bullshit.

Just prior to being sent off to this blog’s patient administrator, one of this writer’s censors (he has several – all professional military) commented, “I don’t know exactly what to do with the threepers and the militia types. Ignore them? Oathkeepers kept the Bundy Ranch thing from becoming a bloodbath. I believe the next time a situation like that happens, the national Government will crush it. That could lead to a real insurgency. But, as you said before who then has command and control? To what end? At this point I am at a big fat “I don’t know.” “

Barry responded, “I don’t know either. I examine this whole militia thing from every angle and it always comes up a looser. Here is my prediction… That if (or rather when) SHTF, these “militia” armed gangs will quickly revert to banditry — if they don’t already have criminal intent to begin with.

Anarchists, almost all of them.”

And encouragement to said censor; “Keep it local. Keep it sane. Keep it military. Keep it disciplined.”


Just so there is no confusion about this writer’s politics (some drooling imbecile accused Barry of being FEDGOV), this writer is a Monarchist. He is a Traditional Catholic (of the 13th Century type). He has renounced his “oath” (having confessed and said his penance) to defend the Judeo-Masonic revolutionism scribbled on a sheet of foolscap by delinquents that otherwise marginal innocents call the Constitution. He, being a counter-revolutionary, has nothing but perfect contempt for revolutionaries – and focused loathing for anarchists — of all stripes. There it is. Full disclosure.

tea party MILITIA 3

The US Army SOCOM Patch

The US Army SOCOM Patch. Look familiar?



American by BIRTH, Infidel by CHOICE

54 thoughts on “In Defensio Exercitus Professionales or We Are Better Than You, Mind Your Place

  1. Well said. Very well said.

    There is such a huge difference between those who are there to protect the farm, house, neighborhood and local area and those who are capable of going into harms way on purpose to achieve success.

    And there is a use for both.

    Militias are ripe for fed infiltration – heck look up the original meaning of Patcon. Never really understood why some in the movement use that term, unless they mean the original meaning.

    Lots of interesting groups out there. Most of them in our area are small prepper groups that organize to prepare. A neighborhood watch group on steroids. We need lots of these groups in America.

    Many of the militia groups that post on the web are either nuts or LE Eagles Scouts all grown up. The second group is probably ok; nice to have folks volunteer to help out, just like the Ham radio clubs, the CERT teams, etc. Volunteers make communities run better.

    The notion though that part time volunteer warriors are somehow going to be able to become operators by training one weekend a month is bizarre at best. I saw a billboard this weekend coming home from a gun show. It was one of those new online universities promising a BA, going to school one night a week, taking one course at a time. My simple math says that’s going to school for 10-20 years non stop!

    Even if we assume that you could, what would they do? Imagine the little Jedburgh team visiting your AO. Of course they somehow would all have to get together unless the team is from the same town and has trained together for years. Somehow the folks that got all of this individual training, tabs and patches has bonded as a team and is ready to go. Whoops I shouldn’t provide them with ideas.

    Might be a new block of instruction for Jedburgh leaders… “if you call in the next 30 minutes we’ll throw in the leader tab at no extra cost”.

    12 guys you’ve never met, loaded for bear, with their genuine III Patriot MVT gear, and they want to help.

    Assuming that you didn’t shoot them all as they approached, why would you let them inside of your perimeter? What in the world would they bring to the equation? Why would you trust them? Did they show up with guns, ammo, explosives, commo gear, food, etc., like the original Jedburghs? Can they call on the III% Society’s C-130 to bring supplies and resupply? What common cause would they talk about to try and convince us to support them?

    Your final nail in the coffin of a dumb idea is the best one. What unified command is providing directions to these Jedburgh teams to accomplish what national objective? Perhaps the real goal of this program, to try and create a national III command authority. I’m with you.

    Old Military professionals had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline.

    Best line of the article. Folks who tried to sell their skills outside of the military as contractors and such should have learned this lesson very quickly. You learn quickly that the fun and sense of mission wears off once it’s merely a job.

  2. “…the more honest among the professional military will admit (among themselves) that they never had more personal liberty than when they were under martial order and discipline – which is why they miss the military. Old Military professionals had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline. You civilians claim a “liberty” to do whatever you want, which is slavery to depravity. Your civilian “liberty” is a hard sell to professionals who know what liberty really is and who could actually help you.”

    Great explanation of the difference between liberty and licentiousness. Thanks for once again saying what needs to be said, SFC, no matter how much it may sting the honest reader.

    • It is not the claim that liberty is doing what ever you want. Liberty is doing what you want provided it does not infringe on the life, liberty or property of another. That is not to say that there is no place or need for discipline and order but that it exists only in specific manifestations. It should exist in the formative years when the citizen is learning and growing into his role in society. I do what is right because I was taught to do what is right. Even in the face of so called depravity. I don’t need a chain of command to tell me that. We impose a social order upon ourselves, it is a natural thing to do so. There is no slavery to depravity unless you willingly clamp on the irons. That is the basis of ethical behavior, to do what is right in a sea of wrong.

      • No disagreement with the gist of your thought, ‘cept for one little nuance. Consider this: Who taught you to do what is right? What was their authority over you? What discipline were you under? You were taught and under your familial ‘chain of command’ and its discipline.

        Bottom line is that all of us need a ‘chain of command’ to teach, discipline, and govern our actions in not only learning what is right, but as you said, doing right, even in the face of depravity. Some even believe, as I do, that the primary chain of command in everything is what we are taught in our faith, then family, then moral organizations we may belong to (such as the military or others). Then our personal chain of command takes over, which is our morals and ethics.


        • YES! That is what I was hoping to imply with “discipline and order but that it exists only in specific manifestations’. It exists in the formative years so that when we face the world full of total freedom we still make good decisions and follow a prosperous path.

          • As always, great discussion, G1 – looking forward to the next time I am in your area.

  3. “Great explanation of the difference between liberty and licentiousness.”

    Yes, it was. Maybe it would pay to apply the distinction to this sentence—“Old Military professionals had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline.”

    Oops…that’s licentiousness, not liberty.

    Like it or not, civilians are the boss of the military, at least in the American tradition. Really, they are…you can verify this by looking at who draws the check.

    The only retort to that is, “But you can’t make me do what I want and I can make you do what I want”…which of course is the cry of a common thug. It’s alright to reduce it to that if y’all wish–honesty is a value, after all–but let’s not pretend it’s anything other than what it is.

    FWIW I thought the Sgt’s direct comments on the militia and threepers were basically reasonable. It’s kinda silly for a non-Warrior to pretend he’s a Warrior; I can’t see how that could help anything. OTOH it’s also kinda silly for those who are hired as Warriors, to pretend that they did the hiring. I can’t see how that could help either.

    • Yes, the military submits to the civil authority. Taught to every basic trainee in all branches of the military and has been for-freaking-ever. That submission to the civil authority was recently evidenced at the cost of military lives and careers during Benghazi, and most likely other places we’re not aware of…yet. Commanders were summarily relieved for issuing instructions that violated the “civil authority’s” orders to stand down and not rescue American personnel.

      That’s not at issue in this post, and to bring it up is really a straw man argument because the post in general and the paragraph in particular have absolutely NOTHING to do with civilian command authority of the military. No. Thing.

      Here’s a good clue as to what the piece is about: “By whose authority do these civilian armed gang pretenders confer upon themselves martial titles?”

      SFC Barry’s admonishment focuses like a laser on the delusion that taking a few classes or wearing tabs, ranks, and other qualification badges easily bought at the local Army Surplus store places them on the level of professionals who’ve been living their specialty over a a period of decades while also continuing to perfect their calling and by voluntarily submitting themselves to the culture and values that underscore and support the development of lethal skill, honor, courage, and selflessness. One can exercise a great deal of personal liberty when under orders and martial discipline.

      To borrow a popular phrase, “It’s a military thing….you wouldn’t understand.”

      Have a nice day!

      • Not sure why you say I wouldn’t understand, when I explicitly agreed. But okay, I wasn’t using a great definition of licentiousness anyway. Fact remains that what the Sgt. was calling “perfect liberty” is something else entirely, licentious or not. I can see why you’d like it, but it’s false nonetheless.

        No doubt you like this too—“You civilians claim a ‘liberty’ to do whatever you want, which is slavery to depravity.” That’s at least twice false…I’ve never come across a single civilian who literally believes it, and G already pointed out the main error.

        OTOH I can understand the utility of the belief when doing certain acts, like maybe murdering an innocent civilian. That WOULD be licentiousness and not liberty. That’s probably why it’s such a popular belief among those who murder innocent civilians, or maybe dream about it.

          • I wasn’t and I hadn’t even thought of that. But now that you bring it up, I suppose it does apply…those whackjobs too believe that their victims are “enslaved to depravity.” Sounds kinda familiar, not to mention relevant, eh?

            Not sure why the attitude, though. Maybe you don’t like ponytails either; is that it? I’m just me, JC…nothing more and nothing less. So is everyone else, but most people don’t like to admit it. Me, I’m enamored of the truth and always have been. I’m also a proud simpleton, so my life keeps me busy enough. I haven’t the time, and I especially don’t have the desire, to figure out everyone else’s life.

            Also, just so you know…to my way of thinking, being a Warrior is a great and honorable thing on its own. But of course, it never is on its own; there’s always a person attached.

        • Please read my reply to G1 to refute your point of ‘the error’.

          If the point on the civilian misdefinition of liberty as the claim to do whatever thereby becoming slaves to depravity is false, please explain the devolution of our culture from what was, at one time, the envy of the world (along with the highest living standard ever seen) to the. “If it feels good, do it,” or ‘Moral Relativity,’ or ‘There is no black [wrong] or white [right], only shades of grey,’ or ‘it’s your thing, do what you wanna do,’ or on and on are from our generation from about 1965 on until today, and for today’s examples one only needs check any news source for an easy cherry pick of unethical or criminal behavior explained away as a ‘misstep’.

          • “…please explain the devolution of our culture…”

            I’d prefer a stumper, but okay. Four words is the answer—“They were taught it.”

            Now let’s hear your explanation. Take as many words as you wish and then we can look at who between us understands.

          • This won’t let me repy to your post directly, but this will have to do. Yes, exactly, they were taught it, by people who had allowed their own twisted version of liberty to enslave themselves and then taught it to their progeny. Bottom line?

            Good enough? Hope so, because I think that’s all the string will allow.

  4. Well said. I spent 25 years leading troops and studying the art. Retired in ’99, before the Second Arab unpleasantness. Most militia groups are horseshit. As you said earlier, “Don’t make me luagh.”

  5. Reading this, I could assume that SF’s primary job is no longer to train and lead indigenous people in UW. I then have to think that just maybe the motto of de oppressor liber is no longer in use as well.

    Who cares anyways. It all sounds so hopeless. Obviously as stated, what a waste of time and energy any of that could possibly ever be.

  6. Over the last several years I have worked with small neighborhood and/or community groups on to prepare for civil disorder which could very easily happen in our fragmented society. The emphasis, after making sure that they knew to have a decent food and water supply on hand, is on protecting yourself and family while also recognizing what is realistic to fight and what is not. What I try to teach is sensible and competent situation awareness and self defense. But I strongly advise them that any long term disruptions won’t have to worry about continual raiding by feral gangs nor — and especially by — regular military. The largest death tolls will come quickly through disease as clean water and sanitation systems break down.

    I refuse to help any group that wants to prepare to “take on the corrupt government” or establish individual strongholds to take on all comers, including professional military. I’ve turned down a few angry militia groups — either small groups of beer drinking buds or fairly “organized” groups that hold their own drills and training on a somewhat regular schedule.

  7. Well, I for one am glad that for every puffed up ex-mil fascist out there, we still have a few humble ODA types who don’t hate us.

    Glad we can get the IFF out of the way now, before the shitstorm rolls in.

    Also glad to know the last decade spent breaking bread with ex-mil trainers and humbly accepting what wisdom they shared was all for nothing. Defeatist bullshit.

    “Bend a knee? to you? Fucking die in a fire cocksucker.

    Damn JC, can’t believe you published this attack, or that you feel the same.
    Sad day indeed.

    • David, Did you actually read the post, or skip to the part you wanted to comment on, strictly because you have a hard-on to always tell SFC Barry to “Fuck himself”? If “”Puffed up” is what you call the confidence of an old soldier that has seen more shit over multiple decades of service, than you’ve seen at the local manure pit, then OK, he’s “puffed up”. Please tell me about your “humble” ODA types, If you’ve noticed, the “ODA types” agree with Barry, because they understand the reality of the situation. As far as the “Bend the knee” comment. It’s called that to reference a subordination to someone that knows better, and can help get you through it. Quit making this into some emotional roller coaster, and make it sound like he wants you to bow down and lick his boots, that wasn’t the intent, and getting emotional doesn’t help your case in this instance, it makes your judgement look jaded with prejudice towards a guy that is known to speak the truth and the facts. I posted this because it is a statement of facts, not a adventure into the fantasy land of the misguided or ignorant “martial practitioner”. BTW, this is what I said about YOU in a comment on the last post, in the spirit of full disclosure: “I respect the Hell out of Sandman (I’m using him as an example because he has never been a student of mine), and he never served in the military, and I’d be happy to have him in my group. You know why? Because he didn’t try to impress me with BS, he just told me where he started, where he was now, and where he’d like to be in the future, from a training aspect, and he has good character, and I think is a good leader.” Don’t make me think that was a poor judgement on my part, just because you don’t like SFC Barry.

      • Really Chris? Poor judgement or your part? Perhaps poor judgement on BOTH our parts.

        I read the entire thing three times.
        It does not matter if I “Like” him. His position comes from his “belief system”. If you can not see the blatant hubris he spouts when talking about me and mine, then we are at an impasse. I can not convince you of the pure wrongness he is espousing. And you will not convince me that an oathbreaking Monarchist is a proper advocate for anything but tyranny. I do not doubt that he, and you for that matter, have more tactical acumen in your little pinkies than I have in my whole body. But that will do you and him no good if you end up alone.

        I get the hate towards the III% Society, and the talk of stolen Valor. And I have done my best to avoid the clusterfuck that all that entailed, on both sides.

        I will tell you about one “Humble ODA Type” A man name Tom S. Who served with 7th SFG in Latin America. He got into some really dirty shit. You know, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua etc. This guy is one of the deadliest people I ever met. A radioman for an ODA. This man stays involved in the SF community, and still gets calls from people like McC. Have not seen him in a year or more but he is still on my speed dial and we trade emails on holidays.

        He was also one of the first COs of our unit, for two years. A deadly man and a quiet man.
        A HUMBLE man, something SFC Barry knows nothing about.

        We are done here. I won’t comment again. I think it best we agree to disagree and go our separate ways. I wish nothing but the best for you and Vix. I hope we all live to be ripe old curmudgeons. But sadly I think the world has other plans for us.

        Either way, I will say it again, this is a sad day. Take Care Chris.

        Montani Semper Liberi.

        • It does not matter if I “Like” him. No but it matters if you DISlike him.
          His position comes from his “belief system”. How would you know what his position comes from?
          If you can not see the blatant hubris he spouts when talking about me and mine, then we are at an impasse. What I see is someone who has come up with excuses not to think about what was said from an objective introspection poin t of view.
          I can not convince you of the pure wrongness he is espousing. And you will not convince me that an oathbreaking Monarchist is a proper advocate for anything but tyranny. Because right now the “Constitutionally Limited Republic” is doing…..what? Tyranny anyone?
          I do not doubt that he, and you for that matter, have more tactical acumen in your little pinkies than I have in my whole body. But that will do you and him no good if you end up alone. David, that’s just ridiculous. I have never made you feel that way, and to imply that I have, shows a lack of merit to your argument.
          I get the hate towards the III% Society There is no hate there, Hell I was one of the founding members. What there is is a problem with the direction it went in due to a guy who couldn’t follow the rules, and tried to do his own thing, even to the point of deceiving the Board. Did you read this email Kenny put up?
          “No worries on the Society. I’m going to hold off on Dave for now – I originally suggested you be an immediate Director and there was pushback from one asshole – so I just did an end-around and after you accepted, announced to the world you’d accepted SPA.” Disingenuous much? There was no asshole, at least not on the Board and he did not bring up Kenny being a Director to us. The first we knew about it, was when he announced Kenny was the new SPA.
          And I have done my best to avoid the clusterfuck that all that entailed, on both sides. Yup, you sure did. You tell me in private you believed Tom and I are right, but “For the good of the clan” in public, you say “I don’t want to get involved.” Thanks for standing for what you thought was right Buddy. personally, I think it was just “convenient”, and I would have stood up for you if the situation was reversed, because that’s just how I am. Damn the Movement! I do what I think is right, and stand up for those I think are right.
          David, I’ve liked you since I’ve known you, but this emotional trip you just took has given me pause in what i had thought was a solid leader. Take care yourself, I still like the man you are, and don’t have to agree with you to say you mean well.

  8. Please. Don’t. Make. Us. Laugh. I’m old, I’m tired, I’m 35 years from an active duty Marine. BUT I’m up every morning at 0500, I swim a mile in laps in my pool, run 5 miles in 100 degree heat… shoot my quals or better 3x a week, and stay current in scuba and parachute quals. I am a half inch shorter and 4 lbs heavier now than at 22… (but my feet went from 10 1/2 to size 11… go figure) 40 years later. And you are in the militia, or some percent; in your mom’s basement and 30 lbs overweight. And you know who you are, and if I did ever laugh you would be the incentive. If this applies to you… make your peace with God, I got no truck with you. sf sends…

  9. In many respects I don’t have a dog in this fight but some aspects of this article are profoundly disturbing on several levels. Then again maybe I have misread the whole thing.

    “We are better than you, mind your place.”

    I guess before I go ape shit wild with expressing my thoughts maybe my discomfort is due to not knowing who the “you” is in the above quote. Perhaps the author and/or host would like to clarify who “you” applies to.

    In the interest of Full Disclosure,
    I’m not a threeper, I’m not militia, I’m not a revolutionary, I’m not an anarchist, I’m not part of any of the online expressions of any of the above, I have not denoted any title upon myself other than that of “American” and I don’t dress up in army drag (what would if matter if I did?). I am however former .mil, meaning I’m now a civilian, but according to the sentiments expressed in this article that doesn’t count for much unless I was a low drag snake eater when I was active.
    I will not however, mind my place and any time you think you are better than me you can go fuck yourself. You may be more proficient in a certain area than I am, but that does not denote superiority of being.

    You “Professional Soldiers” (and former “Professional Soldiers”) and the more or less formal “Militia” organizations seem to go out of your way to alienate the huge swath of like minded individuals out here who are just doing their best to get ready for an uncertain future. Perhaps you guys should take your dick measuring out back behind the woodshed and then you won’t embarrass the rest of us.

    You “Old Military professionals” may have had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline. Let me tell you there is another form of perfect liberty which has nothing to do with having any of you in “authority” over me and that liberty does not have to denote being a slave to depravity. You almost make it sound as if a person that is not under “orders” is incapable of acting with honor, respect and moral fortitude. Let me just state, I don’t need your help in determining what “liberty” really is.

    “You civilians need to learn to mind your place.”

    What? Just who the hell gave you that authority? I’ll tell you what, why don’t you “Professional Soldiers” and “Former Professional Soldiers” and “Old Military Professionals” and Threepers and Militia go and duke it out somewhere and get it over with. There is a huge group of people out here who are getting tired of the bullshit from both camps.

    “Keep it local. Keep it sane. Keep it military. Keep it disciplined.”

    Really, Keep it military? Sounds like you have dreams of a military dictatorship. Got news for you, if that’s what you’re after keep it the hell away from me. I’ve seen more than one of your “Professional Soldiers” screw the situation up beyond recovery and more than a few of my friends are still paying for your mistakes.

    Oh, one final irony, you former “Professional Soldiers” and “Old Military Professionals” will take the money of the man you despise and ridicule to “train” him. What are we to think about that?

    Like I said at the beginning, maybe I misread this whole thing but you can bet if I misread it, a lot of others misread it as well.


    • Wes, you could be my nephew… I have nothing to add to the statement above. You are too caught up in the contest to realize the facts…

      • Grandpa,

        I’m a newcomer to these environs so I don’t know anything about you other than your brief message above.

        “Wes, you could be my nephew” – Not knowing you or your nephew I don’t know whether I should construe that as good or bad? I guess it really doesn’t matter.

        As far as being too caught up in the contest, that’s just it I’m not. I know myself, my abilities, my skills AND my failings/shortcomings. I don’t adhere to any other mans precepts on what I should be, how I should act or what I should do.

        I don’t realize the facts, well I’ve never laid any great claim to being anything other than just a country bumpkin, so why don’t you enumerate the facts I don’t realize.

        Here’s some of the facts I do see.

        We as a people, as a nation, as a world are in a downward spiral that’s going to end with us all in a cesspool up to our necks. Some are going to live, some are going to die and most of who ends up on which side of the living and dying is going to be due to factors beyond our immediate control. The training or knowledge someone has may influence that to a degree but training alone does not make one person better than another.

        It may be that this essay wasn’t directed at me as an individual but if that was the case the author certainly used too broad a brush with comments like “you civvies need to sit down and STFU”.

        I don’t bestow accolades on any of the ‘militia’ nor ‘professional soldiers’, they all put their pants on one leg at a time just like I do. I don’t see any of them walking on water and I can find plenty of examples of the members of both groups screwing the pooch.

        I don’t control anyone other than myself and I will not subjugate myself to anyone else. I may come along side you, (if your cause is just) and that may find me working, fighting and even dying beside you. In a particular situation or circumstance you may have training, skills or knowledge that surpass mine that leads to me following your lead but that does not make you better than me.

        Likewise, because no man can be an expert at everything my training, skills or knowledge most likely surpass yours in some area. When that happens should I expect you to subjugate yourself to me? I’ll answer for you, NO. I’ll share my knowledge (not for a fee), tell you what I think or believe and what you do with it is up to you. You’re a grown man and freely able to make your own decisions.

        I’m starting to ramble, I’ll close for now with, be an upstanding person of honor and integrity, come to my AO with need and I’ll do my level best to help and support you.

        I’ll be checking back periodically for the facts I don’t get as I have never been afraid to learn something new.


        • Wes, being my nephew is a compliment, son. I love the exuberance and excitement of youth. I will try to break this down – one bumpkin to another… from what I see, there are certain war horses, and I’m one of ’em, who don’t cotton to those who taken unearned titles, untested skills, and book learnin’; and get wadded panties when they get called out. It just is what it is, and because there are those who know that kind of shit makes people dead; they say something. For some reason at this time, when those who love liberty and what this country used to be, and mean, and stand for; should be all pulling together – we can’t seem to get our shit in one sock. Honestly, I don’t even know why I even go online anymore, most stuff just pisses me off.
          You stay strong, youngster. Keep an open mind, and keep your eyes open and your wits about you. It’s close to over – but it ain’t over yet. Lord bless you and yours… Grandpa

          • Grandpa

            Ahh, to have youth again, wouldn’t that be great. My DD214 is dated before St. Helens blew her top. Doesn’t necessarily make me “old” but I sure feel like it some mornings, especially when the little gal at the local go juice stand calls me sir and I look around to see who she is talking to and then realize it’s me.

            I understand and got from the writers original screed that he was upset with folks who take unearned titles and such. I’ve got no problem with that and myself don’t have any use for those that pretend to be what they aren’t. If that’s the only beef the writer has then he should have made that clear in his writing.

            The manner in which he chose to express his superiority clearly demonstrates that’s not his only beef and further, he manages to piss on a lot of people that he doesn’t know with the very large brush he uses to get his point across. His style of discourse alienates many that just might be of value to him sometime. I just hope that if he’s ever up shit creek without a paddle that the person standing by to provide support isn’t one of the people he’s pissed off.

            But, our little exchange aside, I notice neither the author nor the site host deemed it worth their time to address my piddly little insignificant questions and points, nor the rank hypocrisy demonstrated by those who will belittle a group of people and then turn around and pick their pockets to “train” that very group. It matters not, I’m afraid I don’t hold them in any higher esteem than they apparently hold me. See, we don’t know each other but we’re willing to dismiss each other. At least my dismissal is based on a little bit of info, theirs is based on nothing but hubris.

            Anyway, it’s been fun chatting with you but this was a drive by for me. I hit this site by following a link to this story from somewhere else and I’m behind on some of my projects, getting my harvest in and the canning done and working with my oldest on improving his long range shooting are the two big ones for today. We’re about done tuning his weapon, now we need to work on tuning the shooter, for some reason he goes to shit beyond 600 yards.

            Later, and it was nice getting to know you a little. Good times on ya.


          • Wes, I didn’t respond, due to time constraints, not because I was ignoring you. I plan on addressing your questions and concerns Friday when I will have the opportunity to be clear concise and to the point in my response.

    • Wes, I told you I’d give you a response, and here it is,

      “We are better than you, mind your place.”
      “I guess before I go ape shit wild with expressing my thoughts maybe my discomfort is due to not knowing who the “you” is in the above quote. Perhaps the author and/or host would like to clarify who “you” applies to.”
      Wes, the “You” are those who give lip service to their “ability”, but aren’t willing to do the things required to back up what they say. They are the types that want all the cool gear, the cool unit name, and the awesome rank and descriptions (commando’s, sniper, operator, etc) but it’s a sham. There are truly professional people out there doing this, but they usually are not responding to these posts, because they aren’t emotional, and KNOW what they are about.
      “In the interest of Full Disclosure,
      I’m not a threeper, I’m not militia, I’m not a revolutionary, I’m not an anarchist, I’m not part of any of the online expressions of any of the above, I have not denoted any title upon myself other than that of “American” and I don’t dress up in army drag (what would if matter if I did?). I am however former .mil, meaning I’m now a civilian, but according to the sentiments expressed in this article that doesn’t count for much unless I was a low drag snake eater when I was active.”
      There are three categories, Military, Vets, and Civilians (Are, Did, Didn’t) You are a Vet (Did), and unless there was something that specifically applied to YOU in your mind, don’t worry about it.
      “I will not however, mind my place and any time you think you are better than me you can go fuck yourself. You may be more proficient in a certain area than I am, but that does not denote superiority of being.”
      “Minding your place” means knowing who you are, what you are, where you’re at (self assessment),where you are going, and how you’ll get there, and it requires objective introspection to figure it out. If a private in the Army starts off with a line like “In my experience” right after boot camp, he’d be told to “mind his place”, it’s that simple. A man telling people to call themselves “Commando’s” or Officer’s” when he has neither the training, background, or experience to know what it means, will be told to “mind his place”, because he hasn’t earned a place at that table, and it disrespects those who earned the reputation that made the name famous to begin with.

      “You “Professional Soldiers” (and former “Professional Soldiers”) and the more or less formal “Militia” organizations seem to go out of your way to alienate the huge swath of like minded individuals out here who are just doing their best to get ready for an uncertain future. Perhaps you guys should take your dick measuring out back behind the woodshed and then you won’t embarrass the rest of us.”
      SFC Barry called it out, because he’s earned that right. There are those out there right now disparaging and lying about what he did in the military, just to make him look like he doesn’t have the right to say it (destroy the messenger, destroy the message BS)

      “You “Old Military professionals” may have had perfect liberty to do what was right when under orders and discipline. Let me tell you there is another form of perfect liberty which has nothing to do with having any of you in “authority” over me and that liberty does not have to denote being a slave to depravity. You almost make it sound as if a person that is not under “orders” is incapable of acting with honor, respect and moral fortitude. Let me just state, I don’t need your help in determining what “liberty” really is.”
      Please tell me about the “Liberty” you are talking about, because if what we see on the news everyday, and what we see coming out of DC, is considered “LIberty” I think our definitions are different.

      “What? Just who the hell gave you that authority? I’ll tell you what, why don’t you “Professional Soldiers” and “Former Professional Soldiers” and “Old Military Professionals” and Threepers and Militia go and duke it out somewhere and get it over with. There is a huge group of people out here who are getting tired of the bullshit from both camps.”
      I agree, and the reason this post was put out, is because there are a lot of guys willing to help, but they believe what they’re seeing is a cruel joke, with a lot of the IIIper, militia crowd.

      “Keep it local. Keep it sane. Keep it military. Keep it disciplined.”
      “Really, Keep it military? Sounds like you have dreams of a military dictatorship. Got news for you, if that’s what you’re after keep it the hell away from me. I’ve seen more than one of your “Professional Soldiers” screw the situation up beyond recovery and more than a few of my friends are still paying for your mistakes.”
      If he had used the term “Martial”, or “Organized” would that have made you feel better? Some people here think “Martial” is an empty hand self defense style.

      “Oh, one final irony, you former “Professional Soldiers” and “Old Military Professionals” will take the money of the man you despise and ridicule to “train” him. What are we to think about that?”
      That’s not true at all. First, I have a huge problem with “Wanna be’s”, but I do not train “Wanna be’s” I train civilians that want to survive, that’s it. My training is geared towards Neighborhood Protection Teams (NPT’s), not militia’s. I have had a number of students from militia groups, but it is the same training across the board, because Small Unit Tactics is Small Unit Tactics, no matter who’s doing the shooting.

      I hope this clears some of it up for you Wes. If you’d like to discuss it further, feel free to email me, and I will answer whatever questions you may have of me.

      • Thank you for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it.

        I do have some more comments but I think I will avail myself of your offer to exchange emails.

        Time is rather limited right now so I may not get back to this for a few days.

        Not that I think you would worry about it much but the content isn’t a bunch of wild ravings or insults, just a furtherance of some thoughts.


      • I dont disagree with anything you have put here. The thing is that no one who read this saw it that way. I can appreciate that like I said I have been the one defending a blog post that went over like an anvil in a septic tank before.
        So if this piece was designed to be a hand grenade thrown into the pot of shit stew, it succeeded. I am just not sure it was successful in the macro level scheme of things.

  10. JC,
    If I could, I’d like to offer a little testimony on the value of learning and lessons learned from former NCOs from a civilian’s point of view.

    I have had the great honor of learning on a regular basis from a former combat-arms Senior NCO for the better part of 10 years now. He’s opened the doors for me to train with other professionals from different branches of service. I have benefited from this particular NCOs personal mission to see me suffer in training for the gain of my family. I have benefited from regular field training exercises, regular homework, the example of DEMONSTRATED professional leadership and constant constructive criticism.

    (for anyone reading that doesn’t know the difference between criticism and constructive criticism: Criticism: “Hey Dude, you’re a fucking moron” Constructive Criticism: “Hey Dude, you’re a fucking moron, but here’s why, and here’s how to fix it so you don’t act so stupid in the future and end up getting everyone you love, killed”. That little tid-bit comes free of charge 🙂

    I don’t think if I were independently wealthy I’d be able to buy the kind of training as a citizen that I’ve had and even then, probably not without actually being in the military. I am a very rich man to have known such professionals and have been truly blessed. When I read about people running down the necessity for training coming from qualified veterans, I really have to shake my head and laugh at their foolishness. I have come to learn the following things from some really good guys that might help some civilians who see the whole military vs. non-military BS on various blogs:

    1. “You Need Professional Help”: End of the world right? Every militia thinks they can stop a conventional force. (LOL) You and everybody in your “unit”, if they were behind you will get wiped the fuck out. But what about an unconventional threat like the local feral gang in a collapse? That’s more mom and pop’s speed right? . . . maybe . . . assuming they are prepared and trained. Ever been to war? No? But you’ve read about it right? And you’ve got some really cool sounding words you use from the edgy pot-stirring blogger right? It sounds stupid when I phrase it like that, but this mentality is actually “out-there”. It’s absolutely bat shit crazy. Seriously, find the nearest combat arms NCO. If he was responsible for men’s lives in the combat, learn from him if he’ll teach you, persuade him if you can.

    2. STFU: Not every thought that crosses my mind or your mind is valid. The world is a much bigger place than most American’s realize. To paraphrase, as Mosby has said – you (and me) are not a special unique snow-flake. It pays to SHUT THE FUCK UP and learn instead of insinuating to everyone what a bad-ass I am through buzzwords, secret hand-shakes and black-magic-fuckery. When the civilian STFU to learn, it says to the professional “well . . . this guy might be worth teaching”. That’s an important step toward possibly saving your family’s ass. . . being noticed as teachable.

    3. Prove Yourself: I have to verify that the professional who I’m taking advice from is not a charlatan, right? But I also have to prove to him that I’m worthy of being taught more skill sets. Quid pro quo. Especially if no money is exchanging hands. That’s done by training and studying relentlessly what I’ve been taught, preparing follow up questions for after class and homework – and . . . doing what is asked of me. “But, But, I don’t want to do my PT.” All too often, I’ve witnessed this: Guys come along, they want to become a super (fill in the blank) ninja in a weekend, take a couple pictures of themselves that really gets their wife thinking they’re a stud muffin, and then . . . poof . . . the drive and desire to prepare after they were “scared shitless about these crazy times we’re living in” is gone. Most guys want the “feel good” about what they’re doing . . . right now! But the feel good comes later in the training “hot-wash” when you high five your team because you set out and accomplished what the cadre had you do, no matter how many times they made you do it till you got it right. (8, the number is 8 times they made you do your task because you guys sucked that bad  ) THAT’s the FEEL GOOD. I could go on. Proving yourself doesn’t happen on the internet or through emails. And that’s the part that people pay lip service to, but really they don’t mean it.

    4. Build Bonds with Professionals: One of the best lessons I’ve ever learned from my mentor was this – Bonds are forged through shared hardship. Too many guys out there aren’t willing to do much more than tap away insults on key board, so the idea of praying that G-d open the skies and let it rain for 4 days during training to really increase the suck factor for your buddy team, is certainly out of the question right? The problem is this – If you don’t suffer with those you will depend on, the bonds won’t be there. If the bonds aren’t there, the subordination to a common goal won’t be there when it’s time either – no matter how many times one says to another “don’t worry brother, I’ll be there . . .”

    If I could see the future of a collapse this is what I’d see replaying like a broken record:
    “Neighbor Jim, I know the biker zombies are down the street, but I play call of duty, why the fuck should I do what you say? Plus we have a combat veteran that lives next door, he’ll take care of ‘em”. *Except no one noticed that the combat veteran left a long time ago. Since no one took his conversations seriously or showed any aptitude or never wanted to train, he took his family and left to where people weren’t zombie food. The time to build bonds with people with skills is NOW. But one has got to STFU, Prove themselves just as much worthy as the credentials you want to see, and Build those Bonds. Otherwise, just go play some fantasy baseball or something.

    This turned into a fairly long post . . . sorry. I will finish this up with this thought. I am not a unique snow flake and I’ll prove it. I know more than a couple guys that had the same opportunities that I have had to learn their ass off. They had better things to do. It’s about priorities. It’s about dropping the ego. It’s about dropping the insecurities. It’s about saying “Hey, maybe I don’t know everything and I’m not perfect like my Mommy convinced me of when I was 5”.

    So for those that say they don’t need professional training? I’ll do you one better – you need a professional in your community defense org, not just a weekend at one of the local trainers. Please do not listen to the pot-stirrers out there that are fomenting war. I truly hope that people like that are locked up. Again. Seriously.

    While many professionals are willing to train good people to protect their families – they are decidedly not fomenting war, and they are saying “hey, you don’t want what’s coming down the road, no sane man does”.

    Makes you kind of wonder about the credibility of those that want unrest and upheaval doesn’t it? Hmm. Thank you for letting me share. Again this is a civilian’s point of view. Bottom line – good former combat arms NCO in your area. Get to know him. Learn if he’ll teach you. I’ve benefited from the NCO’s I’ve known and so have my wife and kids. Hubby/Dad is a much better leader than he would have been otherwise. I would hope this helps some citizen trying to sift through the BS out there. It’s that easy.

    • JC – There has got to be more civilians out there that “get it” – if this country has a hope of keeping alive the next generation if hard times come this way. The guys who are pissed off by the original author may be failing to take what is useful in the post and reject that which is not. I pray to G-d that there are more guys out there who “get it”. Hopefully they’re training instead of staying up late commenting like I am. They have to set the example as civilians that yes, you can learn, yes, you can perform . . . to a degree, but it takes a LOT of time and dedication and subordination to qualified direction – or so I’ve learned.

      I’ve discussed this with my peers to exhaustion: Should hard times come, there are going to be a crap load of good people that are scared out of their mind that for whatever reason didn’t take preparedness seriously. And G-d forbid your community defense professional (if one is lucky enough to have him) gets smoked by some thug post SHTF, now what? Here’s part that’s really gonna cook somebody’s noodle is finding out that they just became the most experienced person in their neighborhood – and now aunt jenny, grandpa, the little ones . . . all looking at this guy who hopefully took the study to heart. Tic, Toc, buddy . . . what is the new (always been a civilian) leader going to do now? Precious little lives are on the line. Tic, Toc.

      That – is what truly matters. Being ready to pick up the torch when called upon. There has got to be guys that “get it” out there, or this nation is truly and deeply in more trouble than we thought.

  11. you may be dead on about all this militia nonsense, but you come across like a fucking fascist. so unintelligent and unthinking that you actually crave someone ruling over you, and would no doubt extend that desire to the rest of us as well. a monarchist? seriously? you want a king, who basically OWNS you, telling you what to do. pathetic. ‘never had more liberty than while under martial discipline’? Some of the statements in your post are exactly the kind of statements you expect to hear out of someone who uses the tired excuse of “not my fault, I was just following orders” and other such BS. Didn’t work to well at nurenburg, and it doesn’t fly with me either. Statements like your are the LAST thing i would want to hear from someone on my side. MDT just lost a reader.

  12. He sounds like an arrogant masochist. Someone that is only happy being on a leash, being given orders.

    It looks like the amateurs have already counted him out, and are trying to step up to the plate as best they can – after people like this guy have betrayed and abandoned them, this country, and our constitution.

  13. Well, a friend whom I respect tells me that SFC Barry is just addressing the poseurs of the Patriot/militia movement.

    I can’t agree. His “We are Better Than You, Mind Your Place” essay title — and the entire second half of his essay — contradict the assumption that he is merely chastising the ‘poseurs’.

    But his attitude toward non-mil preppers/patriot/militia members is not all that is troubling. Barry ends his essay: “Just so there is no confusion about this writer’s politics (some drooling imbecile accused Barry of being FEDGOV), this writer is a Monarchist. He is a Traditional Catholic (of the 13th Century type). He has renounced his “oath” (having confessed and said his penance) to defend the Judeo-Masonic revolutionism scribbled on a sheet of foolscap by delinquents that otherwise marginal innocents call the Constitution. He, being a counter-revolutionary, has nothing but perfect contempt for revolutionaries – and focused loathing for anarchists — of all stripes.”

    The argument against the poseurs is valid. The argument not to use inflated military rank structure in your militia/neighborhood protection team – or whatever you call it – is valid. Everything else Barry wrote is arrogant, elitist, counter-productive bullshit — at best. It bothers me that a number of otherwise intelligent, engaged folk on this blog do not recognize this.

    Yes, I am exercised by this. I am in fact livid. To learn that Barry is a Monarchist; that he disdains the United States of America (as founded); that he has no fidelity to the Constitution, or to the original purpose of the Declaration of Independence; that he assumes all of the founding fathers were nothing but Ruling Class Jews and Masons; and, finally, that he views the patriot/prepper/militia movement as overwhelmingly comprised of criminals or delusional anarchists is beyond the pale.

    Given his statements in the Afterward, one wonders why he just doesn’t emigrate back to jolly old England. But his anti-Semitism, his anti-Constitutionalism, his manifest disdain for this country as founded as well as for his fellow citizens who are, in fact, trying to do something to stave off the endarkenment earn him just one response from this author:

    “Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say ‘what should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

    The Wretched Dog
    (12 years as an Infantryman, with 25 years active federal service over a total of 33 years academy, active & reserve military service; retired as a LTC)

  14. Barry, you should try immigrating to N.Korea. It appears to be a monarchy. I’m sure you can find lots of that liberty stuff you were talkin bout. I believe dinners the hard part to find!
    Thanx Wretched dog, that was a bullseye quote!

      • How many members of the same family have to ascend to the head of a dictatorship before it becomes a monarchy? I mean, were on the third Kim un dekey-dow, right? Just say’in.
        I want apologize for being a ass on your blog. I get the stolen valor thing. I get the that there’s a lot of crap out there. more than enough to go around. Scam artists, posers and tactical dinnerware being offered.
        What I see more than anything are lost folks trying to find some way to save themselves and their family’s. And their getting preyed on or downed. I know your doing what you can. Thanks for that. Like Bergman sez: We need to be good to each other.

        • No problem, I don’t take much here personally, if I did, I’d be as emotional as most of the comments at WRSA. I thought it was interesting how I’ve been accused of apparently adopting all of SFC Barry’s passions, likes, and positions, simply because I posted a piece written by him. I’ve known him a long time, and although I don’t agree with everything he believes and some positions he holds, I respect him, and his background (some of his detractors on other blogs really screwed those facts up, but their “facts” fit their narrative), and the advice he’s given me has always been spot on. People here don’t like what he has to say, so they attack the man instead of objective introspection (too painful and costly I guess) of their position in relation to his narrative. The post was designed to weed out those who find it easier to be emotional than digging deep into personal, objective realism.

  15. I was never in the military, nor in a militia, and I rarely comment on these blogs. As others have stated, smart men don’t walk into the crosshairs without a good reason.

    I’ve read Patriot everything since I was a kid. But within the last two years, I’ve realized that I need to be training myself and my closest family and friends in order to not only survive but thrive in the difficult times ahead. Time isn’t cheap these days but we do what we can.

    I could have gotten offended by this post because of the obvious condescension towards civilians. But SFC Barry fascinates me, and not just because his ancient political and religious views are similar to mine. It would be easy to dismiss him as a crank– except that practically every respected trainer in the movement respects him, and he’s obviously spent decades thinking about writing about this stuff.

    I take two major truths from this post, and they match what I have already learned:

    1) No matter how much I read or practice, as a civillian, I truly do not know shit about combat or survival, and I desperately need a professional soldier to train me while we still have time, and to lead me when we don’t. If I find that person, I will most certainly “bend the knee.” I say this as one who once, honestly seeking wisdom and instruction, trusted the wrong former soldier and paid the price for it. My plan was correct, even though I f***ed up the implementation by being naive. I will keep searching.

    2) If the III% movement (grossly inappropriate term, used here for convenience until we come up with something better) is going to mature, it needs people like Barry forcing us to think about the most difficult questions. We can’t just be the guys with AR15’s and ham radios obsessing about an imminent societal upheaval with no clue about what new system we want to build when the dust settles. If we as a movement emphasize only destruction and not creation, we’re no better than the Communists or the Anarchists (i.e. “V for Vendetta,” the most communistic movie I’ve ever seen). But pretending that all we need to do is “bring back the Constitution” is a transparent cop out (the tragically lame ending to an otherwise excellent trilogy from a novelist who shall go unnamed).

    We need a plan, and a plan requires an intellectual foundation. Kudos to SFC Barry for boldly stating a seriously politically incorrect point of view on this and holding fast amidst the criticism.

  16. A interesting article but while I love the Constitution/Bill Of Rights,do believe it is not being allowed to work as designed.I also believe things would be even more challenging in this country at the moment without it.I have learned a lot from many folks thru the decades/mechanics/carpentry(my trade)/fishing/hunting/shooting and some folks with pretty good training and combat experience from people in person and from sites like this,never got on my knee but do appreciate it/thank em and do my best to pass along when I have a certain skill down.
    I will say believe folks with/without military training will do the right thing to best of ability,seen every time natural disaster hits(along with the bandits/rapists/looters ect.).I guess in the end will just try in very tough times to do the right thing(try daily,don’t always succeed).
    As for how to get the original intent of Constitution back in gear have no real idea except to try and practice the freedoms in it along with fighting when those freedoms threatened,many ways to do this that don’t involve bloodshed,could though come to a point in our history where it does(hope not).In the end,we want our freedoms we the citizens must work for them daily,best of luck to all of us in the country.

  17. Pingback: Getting Wet And Man Crush | The Sun Also Rises

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